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Dr Isabella Cito
This is the area of Dentistry that studies the growth and development of the face, as well as the development of deciduous teeth, mixed and permanent dentitions and their deviations from normality, preventing, intercepting and correcting dental malocclusions.
With the restoration of occlusion, problems related to breathing, swallowing, vocalization and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) are avoided. There is no maximum age for orthodontic treatment, although in adult patients some special care must be taken, especially in relation to the supporting tissues of the teeth, which may even contraindicate the treatment (periodontal problems).
When the treatment is well planned and performed by a qualified professional, there are no greater risks to the patient, as long as he follows all the instructions given, especially regarding the aspect of BUCAL HYGIENE, as the debris can cause gum, periodontal problems, white spots or even dental caries.
Prophylactic Orthodontic Treatment
for occlusion correction
Occlusion assessment
The main focus of orthodontic treatment in animals is to RESTORE DENTAL OCCLUSION, which is essential for correct chewing and, consequently, their proper nutrition and oral health.
Gluing braces
Orthodontic treatment requires, like any other oral treatment, that the animal to be submitted to general anesthesia for bonding the appliance. In the first days, the use of the Elizabethan collar is recommended to prevent the animal from removing the device.
The maintenance phase is small, and the treatment takes less time than in humans due to the type of fibers presented in the periodontal ligament that allows faster movement of the teeth. For each maintenance, the animal needs to be anesthetized.
After the adaptation phase, which is very fast, around 48 hours, the animal follows its normal routine, just preventing it from biting hard objects during the treatment and maintaining oral hygiene with DAILY BRUSHING.