Rio de Janeiro, Brasil | Barcelona, España
Whatsapp +55 21 99991.1822
Dr Isabella Cito
difficulty gaining weight, disobedience, shaking the head, a foul odor in the mouth, lethargy and selectivity when eating, body muscle pain.
The specialty
On horses, the main problem that occurs is called tooth tips. The horse's tooth erupts throughout its life, requiring constant and homogeneous wear (photos 1 and 2) to prevent the appearance of these tips.
These tips causes cuts and ulcers (photo 3) in the oral mucosa, enabling the animal from making the correct chewing movement, leading to malocclusion and insufficient grinding of the food.
If this food does not reach the stomach properly crushed, it can lead to colic due to impaction. Weight loss is also seen because the body cannot absorb the necessary nutrients. Due to this malocclusion (photo 4), the teeth are being worn out of alignment, leading to more serious problems such as hooks (photo 5).
Another common problem in horses is the wolf teeth (photo 6 blue), which are rudimentary teeth that need to be extracted as they cause discomfort due to their location.
In foals and young animals, the main cause of malocclusion are retained deciduous teeth (photo 6 red) that generate inflammation and local pain, requiring extraction by a specialist.