Rio de Janeiro, Brasil | Barcelona, España
Whatsapp +55 21 99991.1822

Dr Isabella Cito


salivation, chooses softer foods, stop playing, oral odor, lethargy
The specialty
One of the main diseases that affect the oral health of the dog is the dental calculus or tartar as it is better known.
The dental calculus (photo 1) is an accumulation of bacteria and minerals that form in the teeth due to foods rich in carbohydrates, saliva pH, and hygiene.
Once formed on the teeth, the bacteria presented there, enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. They penetrate vital organs and begin to cause irreversible damage throughout the animal's life. Its main targets are the heart, kidneys, joints and liver, triggering in them serious diseases such as endocarditis, nephritis, hepatitis, diabetes, and even hernias of the spine due to inflammation.
Other diseases that frequently affect the oral cavity are retained deciduous teeth (photo 2), infraorbital fistulas (photo 3), tumors (photo 4) gingivitis and periodontitis (photo 5), dental fractures (photo 6), gingival hyperplasia (photo 7), gingival retraction (photo 8), malocclusions (photo 9) and pulpitis (photo 10).
The dental treatment performed by the veterinary dentist works by eliminating tartar and restoring oral health. Prophylaxis brushing should be daily, and the reassessment with the specialist as a form of prevention should be annually.